Neporent Isaac Matveevich. The Mystery of the Family[править]

"To the descendants scattered around the world and who do not know the Russian language"

Статья в работе

1 "Secrets" of the Baku tree of the Neporent family
1.1 the Head of the family-Isaak Matveevich Motovilikha
1.1.1 Isaac's Fateful meeting with Mitrofanov
1.1.2 Continuation of cooperation - creation of the Motovilikha society (1903)
1.1.3 about the life of a Neporent family and their neighbors in Mitrofanov's house
1.1.4 David Neporent talks about the ways of searching for the truth
1.1.5 Summing up the life of Isaac Neporent
1.2 branches of the Baku tree
1.2.1 1st son Moses Isaakovich Neporent and his branch
1.2.2 2nd son Osip (Joseph) Isaakovich Neporent
1.2.3 3rd son Samuel Isaakovich Neporent and his branch
1.2.4 1st daughter Sofia Isaakovna Neporent and her branch
1.2.5 2nd daughter Faina Isaakovna Neporent and her branch
1.2.6 4th son Pavel Isaakovich Neporent
1.2.7 3rd daughter Maria Isaakovna Neporent
1.2.8 5th son Matvey Isaakovich Neporent
1.2.9 4th daughter Vera Isaakovna Neporent and her branch
1.2.10 6th son Alexander Isaakovich Neporent and his branch
1.2.11 5th daughter Rosalia Isaakovna Neporent
1.2.12 7th son Abram Isaakovich Neporent and his branch
1.3 photo Album

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